Source code for htheatpump.htparams

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  htheatpump - Serial communication module for Heliotherm heat pumps
#  Copyright (C) 2023  Daniel Strigl

#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Definition of the Heliotherm heat pump parameters together with their

      - data point type ("MP", "SP"),
      - data point number,
      - access rights,
      - data type,
      - minimal value and
      - maximal value.

from __future__ import annotations

import csv
import enum
from os import path
from typing import Any, Dict, ItemsView, KeysView, Optional, Tuple, Union, ValuesView

from .utils import Singleton

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Constants and type aliases
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

CSV_FILE = "htparams.csv"  # CSV file with the parameter definitions of the heat pump

HtParamValueType = Union[bool, int, float]  # a heat pump parameter value can be of type 'bool', 'int' or 'float'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Helper classes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

[docs]@enum.unique class HtDataTypes(enum.Enum): """Supported data types of the Heliotherm heat pump: * ``BOOL`` The value of the parameter is given as **boolean** (e.g. on/off, yes/no, enabled/disabled). * ``INT`` The value of the parameter is given as **integer**. * ``FLOAT`` The value of the parameter is given as **floating point number**. """ BOOL = 1 INT = 2 FLOAT = 3
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(s: str) -> HtDataTypes: """Create a corresponding enum representation for the passed string. :param s: The passed string. :type s: str :returns: The corresponding enum representation of the passed string. :rtype: ``HtDataTypes`` :raises ValueError: Will be raised if the passed string does not have a corresponding enum representation. """ if s == "BOOL": return HtDataTypes.BOOL elif s == "INT": return HtDataTypes.INT elif s == "FLOAT": return HtDataTypes.FLOAT else: raise ValueError("no corresponding enum representation ({!r})".format(s))
[docs]class HtParam: """Representation of a specific heat pump parameter. :param dp_type: The data point type (:data:`"MP"`, :data:`"SP"`). :type dp_type: str :param dp_number: The data point number. :type dp_number: int :param acl: The access rights (:data:`'r'` = read, :data:`'w'` = write). :type acl: str :param data_type: The data type, see :class:`HtDataTypes`. :type data_type: HtDataTypes :param min_val: The minimal value (default :const:`None`, which means "doesn't matter"). :type min_val: bool, int, float or None :param max_val: The maximal value (default :const:`None`, which means "doesn't matter"). :type max_val: bool, int, float or None :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed minimal or maximal value has an invalid type. """ def __init__( self, dp_type: str, dp_number: int, acl: str, data_type: HtDataTypes, min_val: Optional[HtParamValueType] = None, max_val: Optional[HtParamValueType] = None, ) -> None: self.dp_type = dp_type self.dp_number = dp_number self.acl = acl self.data_type = data_type if min_val is not None: self.check_value_type(min_val) self.min_val = min_val if max_val is not None: self.check_value_type(max_val) self.max_val = max_val def __repr__(self) -> str: return "HtParam({},{:d},{!r},{}[{},{}])".format( self.dp_type, self.dp_number, self.acl, self.data_type, self.min_val, self.max_val, )
[docs] def cmd(self) -> str: """Return the command string, based on the data point type and number of the parameter. :returns: The command string. :rtype: ``str`` """ return "{},NR={:d}".format(self.dp_type, self.dp_number)
[docs] def set_limits( self, min_val: Optional[HtParamValueType] = None, max_val: Optional[HtParamValueType] = None, ) -> bool: """Set the limits of the parameter and return whether the passed limit values differed from the old one. :param min_val: The minimal value (default :const:`None`, which means "doesn't matter"). :type min_val: bool, int, float or None :param max_val: The maximal value (default :const:`None`, which means "doesn't matter"). :type max_val: bool, int, float or None :returns: :const:`True` if the passed min- and/or max-value differed from the old one, :const:`False` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed minimal or maximal value has an invalid type. """ if min_val is not None: self.check_value_type(min_val) if max_val is not None: self.check_value_type(max_val) ret = (self.min_val != min_val) or (self.max_val != max_val) self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val return ret
[docs] def in_limits(self, val: Optional[HtParamValueType]) -> bool: """Determine whether the passed value is in between the parameter limits or not. :param val: The value to check against the parameter limits. :type val: bool, int or float :returns: :const:`True` if the passed value is in between the limits, :const:`False` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed value has an invalid type. """ if val is None: return True # check the type of the passed value self.check_value_type(val) # ... and against the defined limits (if given; 'None' means "doesn't matter") return (self.min_val is None or self.min_val <= val) and (self.max_val is None or val <= self.max_val)
@staticmethod def _from_str(value: str, data_type: HtDataTypes, strict: bool) -> HtParamValueType: """Convert the passed value (in form of a string) to the expected data type. :param value: The passed value (in form of a string). :type value: str :param data_type: The expected data type, see :class:`HtDataTypes`. :type data_type: HtDataTypes :param strict: Determines whether the conversion to ``float`` should be strict (if :const:`False` also integers are accepted, e.g. ``'328'``). :type strict: bool :returns: The passed value which data type matches the expected one. :rtype: ``bool``, ``int`` or ``float`` :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed value has an invalid type. :raises ValueError: Will be raised if the passed value could not be converted to the expected data type. """ assert isinstance(data_type, HtDataTypes) if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("value has incompatible type {!s}; expected 'str'".format(type(value))) if data_type == HtDataTypes.BOOL: value = value.strip() # convert to bool ('0' = False, '1' = True) if value == "0": return False elif value == "1": return True else: raise ValueError("invalid representation for data type BOOL ({!r})".format(value)) elif data_type == HtDataTypes.INT: return int(value.strip()) # convert to integer elif data_type == HtDataTypes.FLOAT: value = value.strip() ret = float(value) # convert to floating point number if strict: try: # to be more strict, the passed string shouldn't look like an integer! int(value) # try to convert to integer -> should fail! except Exception: pass # ok else: raise ValueError("invalid representation for data type FLOAT ({!r})".format(value)) return ret else: assert 0, "unsupported data type ({!r})".format(data_type) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def from_str(self: Union[HtParam, str], arg: Union[str, HtDataTypes], strict: bool = True) -> HtParamValueType: """Convert the passed value (in form of a string) to the expected data type. This method can be called as a *static method*, e.g.:: val = HtParam.from_str("123", HtDataTypes.INT) or as a *member method* of :class:`HtParam`, e.g.:: param = HtParams["Temp. Aussen"] val = param.from_str(s, strict=False) If the method is called as a member method of :class:`HtParam`, the expected data type don't have to be specified. It will be automatically determined from the :class:`HtParam` instance. :param strict: Determines whether the conversion to ``float`` should be strict (if :const:`False` also integers are accepted, e.g. ``'328'``). :returns: The passed value which data type matches the expected one. :rtype: ``bool``, ``int`` or ``float`` :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed value has an invalid type. :raises ValueError: Will be raised if the passed value could not be converted to the expected data type. """ if isinstance(self, HtParam): # called as a member method of HtParam assert isinstance(arg, str) return HtParam._from_str(arg, self.data_type, strict) else: # called as a static method of HtParam assert isinstance(arg, HtDataTypes) return HtParam._from_str(self, arg, strict)
@staticmethod def _check_value_type(value: HtParamValueType, data_type: HtDataTypes) -> None: """Check the type of the passed value against the given parameter data type. :param value: The passed value. :type value: bool, int or float :param data_type: The data type of the passed value, see :class:`HtDataTypes`. :type data_type: HtDataTypes :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed value has an invalid type. """ if data_type == HtDataTypes.BOOL: if type(value) is not bool: raise TypeError("value has invalid type {!s}; expected 'bool'".format(type(value))) elif data_type == HtDataTypes.INT: if type(value) is not int: raise TypeError("value has invalid type {!s}; expected 'int'".format(type(value))) elif data_type == HtDataTypes.FLOAT: if type(value) not in (int, float): raise TypeError("value has invalid type {!s}; expected 'int' or 'float'".format(type(value))) else: assert 0, "unsupported data type ({!r})".format(data_type) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def check_value_type( self: Union[HtParam, HtParamValueType], arg: Union[HtParamValueType, HtDataTypes], ) -> None: """Check the type of the passed value against the given parameter data type. This method can be called as a *static method*, e.g.:: s = HtParam.check_value_type(123, HtDataTypes.FLOAT) or as a *member method* of :class:`HtParam`, e.g.:: param = HtParams["Temp. Aussen"] s = param.check_value_type(3.2) If the method is called as a member method of :class:`HtParam`, the data type of the passed value don't have to be specified. It will be automatically determined from the :class:`HtParam` instance. :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed value has an invalid type. """ if isinstance(self, HtParam): # called as a member method of HtParam HtParam._check_value_type(arg, self.data_type) # type: ignore else: # called as a static method of HtParam assert isinstance(arg, HtDataTypes) HtParam._check_value_type(self, arg)
@staticmethod def _to_str(value: HtParamValueType, data_type: HtDataTypes) -> str: """Convert the passed value to a string. :param value: The passed value. :type value: bool, int or float :param data_type: The data type of the passed value, see :class:`HtDataTypes`. :type data_type: HtDataTypes :returns: The string representation of the passed value. :rtype: ``str`` :raises TypeError: Will be raised if the passed value has an invalid type. """ assert isinstance(data_type, HtDataTypes) # check the type of the passed value HtParam._check_value_type(value, data_type) if data_type == HtDataTypes.BOOL: # convert to "0" for False and "1" for True return "1" if value else "0" elif data_type == HtDataTypes.INT: return str(value) elif data_type == HtDataTypes.FLOAT: return str(float(value)) else: assert 0, "unsupported data type ({!r})".format(data_type) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def to_str( self: Union[HtParam, HtParamValueType], arg: Union[HtParamValueType, HtDataTypes], ) -> str: """Convert the passed value to a string. This method can be called as a *static method*, e.g.:: s = HtParam.to_str(123, HtDataTypes.FLOAT) or as a *member method* of :class:`HtParam`, e.g.:: param = HtParams["Temp. Aussen"] s = param.to_str(3.2) If the method is called as a member method of :class:`HtParam`, the data type of the passed value don't have to be specified. It will be automatically determined from the :class:`HtParam` instance. :returns: The string representation of the passed value. :rtype: ``str`` """ if isinstance(self, HtParam): # called as a member method of HtParam return HtParam._to_str(arg, self.data_type) # type: ignore else: # called as a static method of HtParam assert isinstance(arg, HtDataTypes) return HtParam._to_str(self, arg)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Parameter dictionary class # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _load_params_from_csv() -> Tuple[Dict[str, HtParam], str]: """Helper function to load all supported heat pump parameter definitions from the CSV file. :returns: A tuple with a dictionary of the supported heat pump parameters and a string with the path of the used CSV file: :: ({ "Parameter name": HtParam(dp_type=..., dp_number=..., acl=..., data_type=..., min_val=..., max_val=...), # ... }, "/home/pi/htheatpump/htheatpump/htparams.csv" ) :rtype: ``tuple`` ( dict, str ) """ # search for a user defined parameter CSV file in "~/.htheatpump" filename = path.expanduser(path.join("~/.htheatpump", CSV_FILE)) if not path.exists(filename): # ... and switch back to the default one if no one was found filename = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), CSV_FILE) # print("HTHEATPUMP: load parameter definitions from: {}".format(filename)) params = {} with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=",", skipinitialspace=True) for row in reader: # continue for empty rows or comments (starts with character '#') if not row or row[0].startswith("#"): continue ( name, dp_type, dp_number_str, acl, data_type_str, min_val_str, max_val_str, ) = row # convert the data point number into an int dp_number = int(dp_number_str) # convert the given data type into the corresponding enum value data_type = HtDataTypes.from_str(data_type_str) # convert the minimal value to the expected data type min_val = None if min_val_str == "None" else HtParam.from_str(min_val_str, data_type) # convert the maximal value to the expected data type max_val = None if max_val_str == "None" else HtParam.from_str(max_val_str, data_type) # add the parameter definition to the dictionary params.update( { name: HtParam( dp_type=dp_type, dp_number=dp_number, acl=acl, data_type=data_type, min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, ) } ) return params, filename class HtParamsMeta(type): # pragma: no cover def __init__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # Load the supported Heliotherm heat pump parameters cls._params, cls._csv_file = _load_params_from_csv() def __contains__(cls, item: str) -> bool: return item in cls._params def __getitem__(cls, key: str) -> HtParam: return cls._params[key] def __len__(cls) -> int: return len(cls._params) @property def definition_file(cls) -> str: """Returns the path of the used parameter definition file.""" return cls._csv_file
[docs]class HtParams(Singleton, metaclass=HtParamsMeta): """Dictionary of the supported Heliotherm heat pump parameters. [*]_ .. note:: The supported parameters and their definitions are loaded from the CSV file :file:`htparams.csv` in this package, but the user can create his own user specific CSV file under :file:`~/.htheatpump/htparams.csv`. .. [*] Most of the supported heat pump parameters were found by "sniffing" the serial communication of the Heliotherm home control Windows application ( during a refresh! ;-) """ @classmethod def keys(cls) -> KeysView[str]: return cls._params.keys() @classmethod def items(cls) -> ItemsView[str, HtParam]: return cls._params.items() @classmethod def values(cls) -> ValuesView[HtParam]: return cls._params.values() @classmethod def get(cls, key: str, default: Optional[HtParam] = None) -> Optional[HtParam]: assert isinstance(key, str), "'key' must be of type str" assert isinstance(default, (HtParam, type(None))), "'default' must be of type HtParam or None" return cls._params.get(key, default) @classmethod def of_type(cls, dp_type: str) -> Dict[str, HtParam]: assert isinstance(dp_type, str), "'dp_type' must be of type str" return {n: p for n, p in cls._params.items() if cls._params[n].dp_type == dp_type} @classmethod def dump(cls) -> None: for name, param in cls._params.items(): print( "{!r}: dp_type = {!r}, dp_number = {:d}, acl = {!r}, data_type = {!s}, min = {!s}, max = {!s}".format( name, param.dp_type, param.dp_number, param.acl, param.data_type if param.data_type else "<unknown>", param.min_val, param.max_val, ) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Exported symbols # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # __all__ = ["HtDataTypes", "HtParamValueType", "HtParam", "HtParams"]